Display Screen Workstation Assessments

Regulated under the Display Screen Equipment Regulations, workstation assessments will be required by the majority of employees, including home workers, who use computers, laptops and CCTV for a part of their working day.

Workplace display screen assessments are evaluations of the computer equipment and work environment used by employees who spend a significant portion of their workday using display screens, such as computer monitors or laptops.


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Services we provide

These assessments are conducted to ensure that the equipment and work environment are ergonomically designed and arranged to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and other health problems associated with prolonged use of display screens.

The assessment typically includes a review of the following elements:

  • Workstation layout: including the placement of the computer screen, keyboard, and mouse
  • Lighting conditions: to ensure that the screen is well lit and that the lighting is not causing glare or reflection
  • Posture: to make sure that employees are able to maintain a neutral, relaxed posture while using the equipment
  • Equipment: including the size, resolution, and contrast of the display screen, as well as the height and tilt of the screen
  • Work practices: including the duration of screen use, frequency of breaks, and type of tasks being performed.

Based on the findings of the assessment, recommendations may be made to improve the ergonomics of the work environment and reduce the risk of MSDs and other health problems associated with prolonged use of display screens. Workplace display screen assessments can help promote the health and well-being of employees and improve their productivity and comfort.

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FLT Medical FAQ's

What is an Occupational Health Surveillance Medical?

This is a pro-active measure that provides clinical testing and questionnaires for employees exposed to health hazards, including excessive noise, dust, chemicals and hand transmitted vibration. In many cases, this is a legal requirement for employers.

What does the health surveillance medical involve?

The health surveillance medical can include some or all of the following tests: Audiometry, HAVS, Skin Assessment, Spirometry, Urine and Blood Samples. Part of the assessment is based on confidential health questionnaires which will be completed with the Clarity Occupational Health Technician during the appointment.

What will happen if a medical condition is identified during the Health Surveillance?

The Occupational Health team will assess the condition, and advise if further investigation or treatment is required. If so, you may be asked to arrange a review with your GP.


In some cases, you may be referred for review with an OHA or OHP. (see Management referral FAQ’s).

Why do I need to have a health surveillance medical?

Depending upon your role, you may require a health surveillance medical, if you are exposed to health hazards, including excessive noise, dust, chemicals and offhand transmitted vibration. This can help to make sure that any potential ill health effects are detected as early as possible

How often do I need to have health surveillance?

Occupational health surveillance is undertaken regularly. How often you will need to have an assessment depends upon your job function, working environment and risk assessments. Please consult with your Line Manager, or Human Resource Department for further information.

What happens to my medical records and who has access to these?

All medical records will be retained by Clarity Occupational Health. Confidentiality will be maintained at all stages of the Occupational Health Process. Managers will not be given access to medical records but will be given an outcome summary. Under the General Data Protection Act (GDPR 2018) and Access to Medical Records Act (1988), you have the right to see your medical records upon submission of a written request. Clarity Occupational Health is accredited by SEQOHS and maintains its records with the strictest protocols in line with this accreditation.