GDPR is fundamental to Occupational Health

At Clarity Occupational Health Ltd., our dedicated clinical team adheres to professional ethics, a code of conduct, and the regulations set forth by professional governing bodies. Our primary goal is to prevent work-related illnesses and injuries by promoting safe working practices.


The processing of occupational health records is deemed necessary under Article 9(2) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This processing is essential for various purposes, including the prevention of occupational diseases, evaluating employees’ working capacity, medical diagnoses, providing healthcare and treatment, and managing health and social care systems. GDPR is a fundamental aspect of occupational health, especially when it comes to handling personal data.

Occupational health involves ensuring the health and well-being of employees in the workplace, which often requires the collection and processing of personal data. This can include medical records, health assessments, and absence records.


GDPR mandates that personal data must be processed in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner. Employers must have a legitimate reason for collecting and processing personal data related to occupational health, such as ensuring employee health and safety or fulfilling legal obligations. Employers must also inform employees about the purpose of processing their personal data and obtain their consent when necessary.


In addition, GDPR requires employers to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard personal data from unauthorised access, loss, or destruction. This entails having secure systems in place for storing and handling personal data pertaining to occupational health.


Furthermore, GDPR grants individuals certain rights, such as the right to access their personal data, the right to rectify any inaccuracies, and the right to have their data erased. This means that employees have the right to request access to their occupational health records and have any incorrect information corrected or deleted.


Overall, GDPR plays a critical role in ensuring that personal data related to occupational health is processed lawfully and securely, while also respecting the rights and privacy of employees. Compliance with GDPR is essential for employers to protect their employees’ personal data and maintain trust in the occupational health process.



For further guidance on how Clarity Occupational Health manages your data, please refer to our Privacy Notice.


If you have any further queries, please contact our DPO: